SMS With Number File

  • In mail merge, you can upload new files and these files should be either excel files or csv files.
  • These files should have at least contact numbers to which messages have to be sent.
  • New files can be uploaded as shown in the above picture.
  • Once you have uploaded your files you can view all these files. Now these files can be used in your mail merge.
  • one of the files has been used from the list of mail merge files to send messages using mail merge.
  • You can insert columns of your excel files in the message which will be inserted like %Customername% and doing this way you will be able to send customise messages to your clients
  • What is Insert Column? : This works like Mail Merge. Assume you have Client Name, Invoice Number and Invoice Amount in the Excel file then you could write your message like this Hello %Client Name% your Invoice Number is %Invoice Number% and amount is %Invoice Amount% hope to receive your payment on time. Thanks Your Company Name.